Working Past 65 & Medicare

Do you need to use Medicare while working past 65? For those working at age 65, you may be unsure if you should begin to use Medicare or wait. Should you stay on your employer’s coverage or switch?

Do You Have To Get Medicare At Age 65?

Making this decision depends on several factors, including how you get health insurance now, as well as the size of your employer. Typically, you don’t have to sign up for Medicare when you turn 65 if you have health insurance through other means, such as your employer, your spouse’s plan or through private insurance. In these cases, you can wait until you or your spouse stops working or you lose your health insurance for another reason.

Turning 65 And Still Working In These Situations


Self-employed:If you are self-employed, reach out to your health insurance provider directly. If you have employer group health plan coverage, as the IRS defines it, then you may need to sign up for Medicare if you’re still working.
Employer with less than 20 employees: If you are working for an employer that has less than 20 employees, you may need to sign up for Medicare when you turn 65. Not doing so could mean you have gaps in your job-based health insurance. To learn when to apply for Medicare if you are still working, in this case, ask your employer.
COBRA coverage: Those who are 65 and on COBRA typically need to sign up for Medicare at age 65 to avoid gaps in coverage. Doing so now may help you avoid monthly the Part B late enrollment penalty.

Can You Get Medicare If You Are Still Working?

You may be able to work and get Medicare, depending on your age, which is usually 65. You may also be eligible to apply for Medicare if you have a disability recognized by Medicare. It’s also important to consider Medicare costs and the benefits that come from signing up for coverage when you are initially able to do so.


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