Medicare Supplement Plans Comparison Chart
Medicare Supplement Plans Comparison Chart
You can use the Medigap Benefits chart for a side-by-side comparison of Medicare Supplement Plans A – N. Plans with 100% provide full benefit coverage. However, some plans only have partial benefit coverage, such as 80%, 75%, and 50%.
Plans with X do not cover that particular benefit. If you were newly eligible for Medicare starting on or after January 1, 2020, then Plan C and Plan F are not available to you. However, beneficiaries who had Plans C or F before 2020 can keep them. A personalized Medigap plan comparison is always better – let us help you compare policies.

Medigap Plan F has one of the highest monthly premiums. Some supplement companies may also offer high-deductible plans. According to , the high-deductible option for Plans F and G is $2,800 in 2024. A beneficiary must pay the deductible before receiving plan benefits.
Medicare Plan G typically has lower monthly premiums than Plan F. Furthermore, Plan G has the same comprehensive coverage as Plan F, with one difference. In 2024, you pay a $240 Part B deductible once a year. If you want a lower monthly premium, consider getting a quote for Plan G.
Medigap Plan K pays 100% of Part A coinsurance, but only 50% of other benefits. In 2024, the maximum out-of-pocket limit for Plan K increased by $120. The new Plan K out-of-pocket limit is $7,060.
Medigap Plan L pays 100% of Part A coinsurance, but only 75% of other benefits. Maximum out-of-pocket limits have increased in 2024 to $3,530.
Plan F
Medigap Plan F has one of the highest monthly premiums. Some supplement companies may also offer high-deductible plans. According to , the high-deductible option for Plans F and G is $2,800 in 2024. A beneficiary must pay the deductible before receiving plan benefits.
Plan G
Medicare Plan G typically has lower monthly premiums than Plan F. Furthermore, Plan G has the same comprehensive coverage as Plan F, with one difference. In 2024, you pay a $240 Part B deductible once a year. If you want a lower monthly premium, consider getting a quote for Plan G.
Plan K
Medigap Plan K pays 100% of Part A coinsurance, but only 50% of other benefits. In 2024, the maximum out-of-pocket limit for Plan K increased by $120. The new Plan K out-of-pocket limit is $7,060.
Plan L
Medigap Plan L pays 100% of Part A coinsurance, but only 75% of other benefits. Maximum out-of-pocket limits have increased in 2024 to $3,530.
Plan N
Medicare Plan N is the same as Plan G, except for the following:
Outpatient doctor visits may cost you up to $20 copay
Emergency room visits, which do not result in an inpatient hospital admission, may cost you up to $50 copay
In 2024, the maximum out-of-pocket limit for Plan K and Plan L increased. The new Plan K out-of-pocket limit is $7,060. Likewise, the maximum out-of-pocket limit for Plan L increased to $3,530 in 2024.

Foreign Travel Emergency Benefits
Medigap Plans with the most comprehensive coverage, including Plans F, G, and N, have foreign travel emergency benefits. You can also get these benefits with Medicare Supplement Plans C, D, and M. However, Plans A, B, K, and L, do not provide foreign travel emergency benefits.Medicare may provide foreign travel coverage under certain situations when traveling outside the United States. If you do not meet these particular circumstances, then Medicare will not cover foreign travel.YM03182201 and YM06022301