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Speak With A Licensed Agent: 1-833-463-3262 (TTY 711)

What Is Medicare Part B?


Your Medicare Part B enrollment may be automatic. If you need to sign up, you have multiple ways to enroll. Discover Medicare Part B medical coverage and cost as well as how you can avoid late enrollment penalties.

What Does Medicare Part B Cover?

Medicare Part B coverage can include outpatient preventive services such as your annual flu shot and wellness visit to prevent illness. It can also cover medical screening tests, such as cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer screenings, to detect health conditions early so treatment is most effective.

Part B can cover ambulance services and durable medical equipment. Before Medicare Part B can cover your medical service or equipment, you first must pay a $240 annual deductible for 2024.

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Before Medicare Part B will cover your medical service or equipment, you first must pay $240 annual deductible for 2024.

Diabetes Screening And Supplies

Diabetes affects more than 37 million people , or about 11% of the U.S. population, and it’s estimated that about 33% of adults 65 and older  are living with diabetes.

You may be at high risk for diabetes if you have any of the following:

High blood pressure (hypertension)
History of abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels (dyslipidemia)
History of high blood sugar (glucose)
Medicare Part B covers diabetes screening if your doctor determines you are at risk or diagnosed with pre-diabetes. Furthermore, you may be eligible for up to two screenings per year. After you are diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes, Medicare Part B can cover the following supplies:


Glucose test strips
Blood sugar testing monitors
Glucose solutions
Infusion pumps
Lancet devices & lancets

With Medicare national mail-order program, you can have diabetic testing supplies mailed directly to your home.

Medicare can also cover outpatient diabetic self-management training (DSMT) to help you learn how to manage your diabetes better. You can learn to monitor your blood sugar, eat healthy, exercise, and manage your prescriptions. Medicare Part B costs for diabetes self-management training is 20% of the Medicare-approved amount and $240 deductible in

Medicare Part B Preventive Screening Costs

You may pay nothing for these preventive screening tests if your doctor or other qualified health care provider accepts assignment. In other words, these services may be of no cost to you when your doctor or provider agrees to be paid directly by Medicare and to accept the Medicare-approved payment amount.

Therefore, for no-cost services, you may not be billed any more than the Medicare Part B deductible cost of $240 in 2024. The next table shows the cost of preventive screening services covered by Medicare Part B:


Counseling and Training Costs


Medicare may only cover your counseling sessions if they are provided by a doctor and take place in a primary care doctor’s office or primary care clinic. A registered dietitian or nutritional professional can provide medical nutrition therapy (MNT) services if you have diabetes or kidney disease. You can also get MNT if you have had a kidney transplant in the last 36 months, and Medicare Part B can provide you with counseling at no cost.

Medicare may cover up to 10 hours of initial diabetes self-management training (DSMT). You get one hour of individual training and nine hours of group training. In addition, you may qualify for up to two hours of follow-up training each year. To get DSMT, you pay 20% of the Medicare-approved cost and Part B deductible of $240 in 2024.


Biopsy occurs when a screening discovers the presence of abnormal tissue and the doctor removes a sample for later examination. For example, if a colonoscopy discovers a polyp, and the doctor removes it, you may pay 20% of Medicare approved amount for your doctor’s service.

Hepatitis is a medical condition defined by inflammation of the liver and characterized by the presence of inflammation cells in the organ tissue. It may occur with few or no symptoms, so it’s important to get screened, especially if you are at high risk. Hepatitis can lead to jaundice, nausea, and in rare cases death. Some forms of hepatitis can cause cirrhosis and liver cancer.The good news is hepatitis B shots may cost you nothing if you have any of the following medical conditions:

End-stage renal disease (ESRD)
Live with someone who has hepatitis B
You are a health care worker and have frequent contact with blood or bodily fluids

Medicare Part B coverage includes prostate cancer screening every 12 months for men over the age of 50, including digital rectal exams and prostate antigen (PSA) blood tests. To get a digital rectal exam, you may pay 20% of the Medicare-approved costs and Part B $240 deductible in 2024. However, the PSA blood test may cost you nothing.

Medicare Part B can cover certain telehealth medical services with healthcare professionals using real-time video or phone communication. You are responsible for paying the 20% coinsurance and the Part B deductible.

Medicare Part B can provide you with the following counseling telehealth benefits:


Alcohol misuse counseling
Cardiovascular behavioral therapy
Diabetes self-management training
Medical nutrition therapy
STI counseling

Biopsy Costs


Biopsy occurs when a screening discovers the presence of abnormal tissue and the doctor removes a sample for later examination. For example, if a colonoscopy discovers a polyp, and the doctor removes it, you may pay 20% of Medicare approved amount for your doctor’s service.

Hepatitis Screening Costs

Hepatitis is a medical condition defined by inflammation of the liver and characterized by the presence of inflammation cells in the organ tissue. It may occur with few or no symptoms, so it’s important to get screened, especially if you are at high risk. Hepatitis can lead to jaundice, nausea, and in rare cases death. Some forms of hepatitis can cause cirrhosis and liver cancer.The good news is hepatitis B shots may cost you nothing if you have any of the following medical conditions:

End-stage renal disease (ESRD)
Live with someone who has hepatitis B
You are a health care worker and have frequent contact with blood or bodily fluids

Prostate Cancer Screening Costs

Medicare Part B coverage includes prostate cancer screening every 12 months for men over the age of 50, including digital rectal exams and prostate antigen (PSA) blood tests. To get a digital rectal exam, you may pay 20% of the Medicare-approved costs and Part B $240 deductible in 2024. However, the PSA blood test may cost you nothing.

Telehealth Costs
  Medicare Part B can cover certain telehealth medical services with healthcare professionals using real-time video or phone communication. You are responsible for paying the 20% coinsurance and the Part B deductible. Medicare Part B can provide you with the following counseling telehealth benefits:  
\ Alcohol misuse counseling
\ Cardiovascular behavioral therapy
\ Diabetes self-management training
\ Medical nutrition therapy
\ STI counseling

Enrollment in Medicare Part B

Is your enrollment in Medicare Part B automatic? You may automatically enroll in Medicare Part B if you receive Social Security income benefits. Consequently, you may receive your Medicare card two to three months before you turn 65. Otherwise, you can choose from the following Medicare Part B enrollment options:

\Go online at  www.ssa.gov
Call 1-800-772-1213
Visit your local social security office and enroll in person

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What Is Medicare Part B Late Enrollment Penalty?

It’s important to enroll in Medicare Part B during your initial enrollment period, unless you have creditable coverage, such as employer group coverage. Otherwise, you will be subject to a penalty equal to 10% per year for every year (12 full months) you wait to enroll. The late penalty is added to your Part B premium for as long as you have Part B.

You may also need to wait for the Medicare General Enrollment Period to enroll in Part B. This period runs from Jan. 1 through March 31 each year. When you enroll during this period (and it’s after your initial enrollment period ) your benefits will begin July 1. In this case, you may owe Medicare Part B late enrollment penalties and could have to wait months for your coverage to start.

What Does Medicare Part B Cost In 2024?

In 2024, Part B deductible increased to $240. After you pay this deductible, you may owe 20% coinsurance on Medicare-approved amounts. Your coinsurance costs can add up to thousands of dollars, especially for outpatient surgeries or chemotherapy, and there is no limit or cap on your 20% coinsurance cost.

Avoid unlimited coinsurance expenses by getting a Medicare supplemental plan. Then, you can have fixed costs no matter how often you need medical care.


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What Is Not Covered By Part B?

Medicare Part B does not cover inpatient hospital services and prescription drug coverage.

Other plans — such as Medicare Part A, Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage — can offer additional coverage you may need. Learn more about the Medicare parts that cover these benefits.

Call Senior Healthcare Direct at 1-833-463-3262 to speak with a licensed agent.
