Hello, my name is Bill Gunter. I have spent my entire professional career in service to others. I have served as a teacher, pastor, mentor, missionary, trainer, chaplain, and community leader. It’s been my great privilege to help people improve their lives by providing honest, competent, and trusted guidance.
Today, as a licensed agent, I continue doing what I’ve always done. I’m honored to serve you with honesty and competency. Let’s talk about your affordable health coverage options.
State | License Number |
Alabama | 3002338950 |
Arizona | 3596096 |
Arkansas | 20337998 |
Colorado | 779236 |
Delaware | 3002335819 |
Florida | A106764 |
Georgia | 3580265 |
Illinois | 3596096 |
Indiana | 3867624 |
Iowa | 3596096 |
Kansas |
3596096 |
State | License Number |
Kentucky | DOI-1242560 |
Louisiana | 1042316 |
Maryland | 3002258648 |
Michigan | 3596096 |
Minnesota | 40875849 |
Mississippi | 10918734 |
Missouri | 3002335822 |
Montana | 3002335843 |
Nebraska | 3596096 |
Nevada | 3867089 |
New Jersey | 3002631543 |
State | License Number |
North Carolina | 3596096 |
Ohio | 1475123 |
Oklahoma | 3002335863 |
Pennsylvania | 1109094 |
South Dakota | 40670476 |
Tennessee | 3002258623 |
Texas | 2928730 |
Utah | 970750 |
Virginia | 1345741 |
West Virginia | 3596096 |
Wisconsin | 3596096 |
Wyoming | 540362 |