Hello, my name is Keyvona. Since we will get personal, you can call me Ki-KI. I was born and raised in the sunshine state of Florida. I was formally a Certified nurse. I absolutely love to help. My grandparents raised me, and now I have the pleasure of raising my own children. This life experience allows me to be compassionate of all ages and walks of life. I look forward to waking up and providing the best education and help I can as your licensed agent.
Keyvona Slaughter’s Licensed States And License Numbers National Producer
Number: 20565396
State | License Number |
Alabama | 3002309740 |
Alaska | 3002314024 |
Arizona | 20565396 |
Arkansas | |
California | 4264013 |
Colorado |
777203 |
Connecticut | |
Delaware |
3002310162 |
District of Columbia | |
Florida |
W936454 |
Georgia | |
Hawaii | |
Idaho |
20565396 |
Illinois | |
Indiana |
3863023 |
Iowa | 20565396 |
Kansas | 20565396 |
State | License Number |
Kentucky | DOI-1248094 |
Louisiana | 1042514 |
Maine | |
Maryland | |
Massachusetts | |
Michigan | |
Minnesota |
Mississippi | |
Missouri |
Montana | 3002308402 |
Nebraska |
20565396 |
Nevada | 3863661 |
New Hampshire |
New Jersey |
3002310630 |
New Mexico | 20565396 |
New York |
North Carolina |
20565396 |
State | License Number |
North Dakota | |
Ohio | 1481892 |
Oklahoma | 3002320487 |
Oregon | |
Pennsylvania | |
Rhode Island | |
South Carolina | |
South Dakota |
Tennessee |
Texas | |
Utah | 970307 |
Vermont | |
Virginia |
Washington | 1190461 |
West Virginia |
Wisconsin | |
Wyoming |