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Aging and Memory Problems

Memory problems are a form of cognitive impairment that may occur when you age.

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Mary sometimes walks into a room and forgets why she went there. Joe occasionally forgets where he left the car keys. Are Mary and Joe’s memory problems serious or a normal part of aging? Let’s talk about how memory changes with age.

Aging and Memory Changes

It may take an older person longer to recall the names of people, places, and things. You might also misplace items or forget to do something. Usually, these signs of mild forgetfulness are NOT a serious memory problem.

Being forgetful once in a while is a normal part of aging. For example, it’s normal to:

  • Miss a monthly payment

  • Forget the current day of the week and remember it later

  • Take some time to find the right word

However, you may want to talk with your doctor if you experience the following health conditions :

The above symptoms may be a sign of dementia.

Alzheimer’s Disease

In this 2024 special report , Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. An estimated 6.9 million adults ages 65 and older live with Alzheimer’s in 2024. This amount equates to about 1 in 9 seniors (10.9%). Thus, the vast majority of seniors do NOT have Alzheimer's.

Learn more about Medicare coverage for Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Although you may not have Alzheimer’s, seniors may experience symptoms of mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

A systemic review of more than 30 studies of all-cause MCI reported that about 17% of adults ages 65 and older had Mild Cognitive Impairment. Furthermore, health conditions like diabetes, depression, and stroke may increase your risk of MCI.

People with MCI can still take care of themselves and perform normal daily activities. Signs of mild cognitive impairment may include losing things often and forgetting events or appointments.

Helpful Memory Aids

If you have memory problems, you can use the following aids:

You can shop for Medicare plans at Senior Healthcare Direct. Call 1-833-463-3262 and speak with a licensed agent.

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