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Why Seniors Love Pickleball

Discover why seniors love pickleball and its health benefits.

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Over 13 million people in the US play the fastest-growing sport, pickleball. The Sports and Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) reports that the senior age group (65+) has the second-highest participation in this fun sport.

So, what’s so great about pickleball? With over eleven thousand locations nationwide, you can find a place to play near you.

Why is pickleball such a popular sport for seniors?

First, the court size is much smaller (44 by 20 feet) than tennis (60 by 120 feet). So, you move less to hit the ball.

Second, the two-bounce rule extends rallies and makes pickleball more fun to play. Furthermore, you get a good bit of exercise in each 11-point game.

Third, a solid paddle and plastic whiffle-type ball keep the ball speed suitable for older adults with slower reflexes. Also, the underhand serving rule makes playing the game easier than tennis.

Pickleball equipment is more affordable than many other racket sports, making it a popular sport for anyone on a budget.

Health Benefits of Pickleball

Playing one hour of pickleball three days per week can lower your risk of heart disease . Older adults who play pickleball tournaments can also lower their risk of depression.

Seniors who play pickleball say it’s more fun than working out at a gym. When you enjoy the activity, you return for more, and regular exercise benefits your health.

A big health benefit of playing pickleball is the social interaction. When you play doubles, you have a partner (teammate) to experience victories and defeats. Before you begin any physical activity, perform warm-up exercises.

Call Senior Healthcare Direct at 1-833-463-3262 and speak with a licensed agent.

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